Monday, January 19, 2015

Last-Minute Cards

You're running late to your best friend's birthday party. This is her special day, you have on nice clothing, and a nicely-wrapped gift tucked under your arm. You are about to rush out the door when Ohmygoodness! You just realized that you have no card for her. And it being your best friends special day, and you being her best friend, well, she needs a special card from you.
But you're already late! Nothing fancy can be made, but you don't want to give your BFFTIB (Best Friend Forever Through Infinity and Beyond) a tacky, worthless card.
Solution? A hole-puncher. They cut out almost-flawless circles, or whatever else kind of shape.
So here are some ideas for a last-minute diy card.

A very simple, yet elegant sort of card, and would be even better if some fancy handwriting were added in the corner. 

Colorful and happy colors, sure to brighten someones day!

Easy and cute, especially if you have a heart-shaped hole-puncher. But it would still be simple even without one.


This should be no problem, adding punched-out holes in place of buttons.... as long as you can figure out the tune to the well-known Happy Birthday melody...


This one is very pretty, and could fool anyone into thinking it was store-bought.

A simple-yet-cute Christmas card for a friend.

As long as you enjoy cutting circles from different-colored pieces of paper... this should be a piece of cake.

As is the same with this card.

And this one.


A more simple card, yet clean.

Now there's an idea! Just take some free samples from Home Depot or Lowes and cut out of them... it makes the card look very creative and beautiful!

And finally.... a punny card. Isn't it adorable?

So now, I hope this has taken away some of the stress you might feel when an occasion arises that requires you to give a card (and you have no idea what kind to give!)

Or, you could just go and buy one from the store. That's a thought. 

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