Monday, January 12, 2015

Books for Dudes

I was originally not going to do this post, since I am not a guy, so I cannot relate with them so much as to create a reading list for their preferences. But then someone suggested I do it, and besides, I do have two brothers, and a lot of the books they read, I read also.
Some of the books were listed in my last post, Books for Girls, such as The False Prince, Sherlock Holmes, H.I.V.E., and The Maze Runner. 
Well, here are a few more.

For the Adventurous Tween...
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
An excellent parallel to the Bible! C.S. Lewis a very descriptive writer, and comes up with interesting ideas to symbolize different meanings.

The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
Bilbo Baggins at your service! Quite a small man... literally... who is perfectly content to lead a happy life in his hobbit hole. And then dwarves and a wizard show up, and before he knows it, Bilbo is on an adventure that will change his life forever.

Huckleberry Finn/Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
These mischevious scamps go on adventures that include tricking other boys into doing your own job, finding hidden treasure, jailing several thieves, becoming extremely rich, sailing down the Mississippi, getting mixed up in rivaling families, and more!

Redwall by Brian Jacques
Okay, I loved these books. And sometimes I still enjoy reading them! This is a place where animals rule... the only difference between them and humans is their tails. And the fact that they have the kind of adventures you only dream about.
For the Mystery-loving Tween...
Encyclopedia Brown by Donald J. Sobol
He's one of those super smart, extremely observational people, who has decided to use his skills to help the kids (and sometimes the adults) around his town, solving puzzles and mysteries.

The Hardy Boys Series by Franklin W. Dixon
What can I say? Everyone loves these guys!

More Great Books for Tweens...
Frindle by Andrew Clements
One boy starts a whole uproar over a word he has invented, and he's on his way to become famous. Only thing stopping him? His teacher.

Fudge by Judy Blume
A book you can truly relate with (especially if you have a younger sibling) about a boy, with a younger brother, who does just about anything that would embarrass anyone.

Warriors by Erin Hunter
About cats. But just not any type of cat, and certainly not "kitty pets" as they call them. These cats rule a forest, and they are split up into clans, all rivals.
For the Adventurous Teen...

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Make sure to read this after The Hobbit. This is about a different hobbit however, who is on a just-about-hopeless-and-impossible mission to destroy the evil that is corrupting his world.

Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith 
I can't say I've read this one.... but I do know my brother has read it a couple hundred times.

This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti
A very awesome book, that describes spiritual warfare like never before.

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
It's not Alice in Wonderland... it's Alyss. And this is true story of what had occurred before some guy named Lewis Carroll just messed it all up. *sigh*

The Circle Series by Ted Dekker
I haven't read these either... but apparently it's about a guy who switches between two worlds a lot, and after a while he begins to wonder which one is reality and which one isn't.

For the Historical Fiction Reader...
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
My history class read this last year, and there was quite a few who liked this book and quite a few who hated it. I liked it, because it is based on a German soldier during World War 1, and the author adds in real-life experiences so that we understand the horrors of war, and to make it more realistic.

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Based on a boy during the American Revolution period.

Louis L'amour Series
All his books are westerns, and just about all of them are awesome, usually tales of some heroic cowboy, tall and handsome, who has a natural skill at shooting and attracting trouble.

So yeah, if any of you guys have any suggestions, please comment below! I'd love to know what you think about my lists of books to read. :)

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