Monday, November 10, 2014

Colored Pencil

You all know how I just draw with pencil. Love pencil. And usually it's not even those "professional" pencils, that range from 2B to H to 6B (or something like that). Sometimes I even use a mechanical pencil and the eraser attached.
But after a while, pencil gets boring.
I like color.
So now I am working with colored pencils, and so far....
Okay, let's just say that you can tell I'm used to just plain pencil.
My first piece was of a dancer, without even looking at a picture.
When you think of color, you think (at least, I think) of some kind of...fiesta.

Yes, judge me if you want; it's not the greatest picture.
But hey, it's bright, it's colorful, and if I had done it in pencil, it would have been just black and white. Literally.
And then, seeing this picture, I decided to do what I love to do the most: create a face.
So this time I found a picture off the internet, of some green-eyed beauty.
And so you now have two colored pencil artworks by me.
When I have time, I shall practice!
And I do have time right now.
But I can hold it off for now.
I'll do it tomorrow. ;)