Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 1-3 of the Drawing/Photography Challenge

Well, it's been three days since I've started. I did drawing, not photography, though I did think about doing both. And I would have, if dragons had not attacked me.
Dragons with the names of Homework, Activities, Things-to-do, ect.
So! anyways, as I was taking pictures of what I had drawn, I thought, "Oh boy, these people, whoever reads my blog, will be learning quite a bit about me."
So here we go!
Day 1: Draw Yourself!
   Okay, does not look like me. Even though I've spent about 2 or 3 years teaching myself to draw humans, I could never accomplish drawing a self-portrait that actually looked like.... a self-portrait.
My chin looks nice, don't you think?
Hey, my chin actually looks like that chin! Isn't that amazing. ;)
Day 2: Your Favorite Animal
Cats! I am (pause for effect) a cat lady. While others happily marry, or others live their lives alone forever...... I shall die alone with 72 cats.
Just as long as my cats get good homes after I die.
Day 3: Your Favorite Food
This picture says it all. Having a bad day? Eat chocolate. Having a day where you just want to cry? Eat chocolate. Having a fine day? Celebrate it by eating chocolate.
I am a chocoholic.
And that's chocolate the lady in the picture is eating, not ice cubes still stuck together!
I need to put a Willy Wonka symbol on there. ;)
And just to randomly close off this post, I'd like to post a picture of one of my cats, who proudly posed for me.
No, really. She posed like a soldier about to go off to war!
Who can resist posting that?? ;)